Top 3 Intermediate Paddle Boarding Tricks

So you’ve nailed our 3 beginner paddle boarding tricks and are now looking for the next list of fun challenges? We’ve got you covered with our list of intermediate paddle boarding tricks. Calm and flat water is going to work best for these but if you’d like to make them extra difficult you can always attempt in more fruity conditions.

One foot paddle boarding

One foot paddle boarding

The first on our list of intermediate paddle boarding tricks is a classic one foot paddling. Now you might be thinking - is that it? Well, let us tell you that it is actually way harder than it sounds and looks. Think about it, not only is balancing on one leg on solid ground hard enough for many, but having to also counteract the movements of the paddle board whilst also throwing yourself off centre balance with every paddle stroke. So not only is the one foot paddle an entertaining trick to perform but you can actually use it to help improve your balance and stability on the board so regularly trying this out could make you a better all-round paddle boarder (just remember to alternate the foot you use).

  1. Decide which foot you are going to be standing on
  2. Start paddle boarding to get some movement
  3. Once you have built up a steady speed move both of your feet together on the centre part of the board and your paddle out of the water
  4. Whilst the paddle board is still moving lift up your chosen foot
  5. Start to paddle as soon as you can as the paddle will act as an extra limb to keep you steady
  6. You’ll probably find that your leg in the air moves around quite a lot, this is perfectly normal and just your way of keeping balance
  7. As always keeping your head up and in the direction you’re paddling will help to steady your movements

SUP Kickflip

SUP Kickflip

If you’re anyone who knows anything about skateboarding then you probably have some idea of what a kickflip is. Well, a SUP kickflip has the same kind of motion in which you’re flipping the board over but just not as much as the skateboard version (although that would be ridiculously impressive). In a SUP kickflip your aim is to flip the board over itself 180 degrees whilst standing on it, so that you finish the trick on an upside down SUP. If you’ve got the hang of it then you can repeat it and end up on the right side again. Yep, it’s hard, hence why this trick is in our intermediate guide and not the beginners…

  1. You need the board to be still for this trick
  2. Make sure you are standing in the centre of the board facing forward with your feet hip width apart
  3. To begin your kickflip you need to offset the balance of the board so begin by positioning your feet wider and closer to the side edges of the board
  4. Start to slowly shift your weight onto one foot and the other side edge should begin to lift out of the water
  5. Keep your paddle in the water for stability on the side that the board is lifting up
  6. As the board starts to lift you need to use your foot which has no weight on it to hook around the edge and start to pull the board over the top of itself and towards you
  7. Just as the board hits 90 degrees out of the water you need to swap your weight to the foot hooking over the edge
  8. The board will then flip over during which you need to follow your foot over the top of the board
  9. Try to land in a crouching position for best stability
  10. If you got that, why not try to flip it back round the other way!

One Legged SUP Wheel Pose

One Legged SUP Wheel Pose

Just like with our beginners guide, we’re adding a SUP yoga pose for good measure. If you haven’t tried the poses in our beginners guide to SUP yoga then we suggest you give them a go first! This yoga position is very difficult because it requires a combination of flexibility, strength and balance. You’re also going to be facing upside which can throw you off when trying to counteract the movement of the board.

  1. Lie flat on your back on the paddle board
  2. Bend your knees up and draw your feet slightly in towards you keeping them hip width apart
  3. Bring your arms up and over your shoulders so your elbows are bent facing the sky and your palms are flipped to be flat on the paddle board either side of your head
  4. Start to slowly lift your hips off of the paddle board first and then begin to press into the board with your hands and straighten your arms lifting your shoulders up
  5. Try to push up with your arms and legs in equal force to keep your balance
  6. Once you are stable holding that position bring your feet together in the centre and slowly bring one heel off of the board
  7. Once you have rebalanced your weight on your two hands and one foot you can draw this leg up fully off the board and point to the sky. Eventually extending out your knee so your leg faces straight up in the air.
  8. Hold this pose for around 20 seconds (or as long as you can) and then repeat with the other leg

We hope you enjoy trying out these tricks as much as you did with our beginners and always tag us in your attempts on Instagram - @aquaplanet!

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